Steering Group

The Steering Group have oversight of the West Coast Gospel Partnership and act as the Trustees of the Partnership. The members of the Steering Group are appointed annually.

Rev Nathan Owens (Chair)
Maxwell Church

Nathan is the minister at the church and so has overall responsibility for what goes on in the life of Maxwell Church, along with the elders. Nathan likes music, and studied at Strathclyde in Applied Music, before going to study at Highland Theological College, followed by Cornhill Training Course in Glasgow. He is married to Steffi and has two boys, Jonathan and Josiah.

Pastor Lee Ballantine
Harvest Ayr

Lee is the pastor of Harvest Church Ayr. He is married to Zoe and has two young children, Joseph and Norah. Lee grew up in Northern Ireland and moved to Glasgow in 2015. After studying at Crosslands seminary he led the planting of Harvest Ayr with several other families from Harvest Glasgow in Autumn 2021.

Pastor Richard Woods
Seagate Church Troon

Richard has been the pastor of Seagate Church in Troon since August 2014. He is married to his lovely wife Heather and has two beautiful girls, Lucy and Niamh. Originally from Northern Ireland, Richard came to Scotland for university in Dundee and before becoming pastor of Seagate he completed the Cornhill Training course part-time while working in Glasgow as a solicitor.

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