
The Mission of our Partnership

We are a partnership of gospel-centred churches encouraging and equipping one another as we obey the great commission in Southwest Scotland.

Partnership – Churches are encouraged, strengthened and the gospel better advanced when we partner together. (Phil 1:3-4)

Gospel – We believe the good news of Jesus and all of its implications on our lives. It is the gospel, along with the whole counsel of God’s word, that unites us and which is at the centre of all that we are and do (1 Cor 15:1-5; Titus 3:3-8; Acts 20:27).

Churches – The church is the body of Christ, it’s at the heart of His purposes and plan. It’s what Christians are saved into and where they worship, serve, are cared for, and discipled. It is the means by which the gospel spreads to the ends of the earth. Our primary focus is on growing and strengthening local church ministry and leaders. (Col 1:18; Eph 1:22; Acts 2:41-47)

Encourage – A partnership where friendships are formed between churches and their leaders that serve to encourage one another in the work of ministry (Rom 1:12; Acts 14:22; Col 4:8).

Equip – A partnership that seeks to pull together our collective resource and experience to train and equip church members and leaders for ministry. (Eph 4:12,16)

Great Commission – A partnership that supports and stirs one another up to make and multiply mature disciples of Jesus through evangelism, discipleship, church planting/revitalisation and entrusting the gospel of grace to future generations (Matt 28:18-20; Acts 14:21-23; Col 1:28; 2 Tim 2:2).

Southwest Scotland – We love our region and are passionate about seeing the gospel bear fruit here. The partnership provides a place to be encouraged and equipped in that task relevant to our particular ministry context (Acts 1:8; 1 Cor 9).

As we establish ourselves we are working to create specific ways to accomplish the above aims.

One key way that is already happening is through our quarterly partnership meetings which serve church leaders by providing a context for encouragement, prayer, friendship and stirring one another up in the work of ministry.

Keep an eye on our website for future initiatives and events.

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